2017 Nucs and Queens
Ph. (618) 792-1700
(after 4PM on workdays … or after noon, on weekends please!)
Taking orders Jan. 1, 2017 for pickup at Waterloo, Illinois,
by appointment only May 1 – July 4
5 Fr. Deep Nuc w/ Mated Queen – $140
5 Fr. Medium Nuc w/ Mated Queen – $130
(Note: Nucs are placed into your hive with no frame exchange!)
Mated Queens – $30 (after June 1)
Virgin Queens – $20 (after May 1)
Queen Cells – $10 (after May 1)
Kloepper Queens are:
- Hygienic Italians crossed with Native Illinois stock!
- Open mated in Illinois!
- Daughters of Hygienic Italian production queens!
- Mother Queens are selected from daughters of artificially inseminated queens from several Northern California Apiaries!
- Two drone saturation yards maintained near queen mating yards!
- Genetics include:
- VSH Italian
- Native Illinois
- Purdue “Ankle Biters”
- Cordovan Italians
- Pol-Line Italian
Kloepper Apiaries 5320 Lemen Road Waterloo, IL 62298
“The Picky Bee”
Waterloo, IL 62298
Call Don Laidley
Phone (618) 779-1909
Email: donlaidley@gmail.com
2014 Price List (Updates coming soon)
See additional items by clicking on The Picky Bee on the “Resources for Beekeepers” page under Equipment and Supplies
WW-500 |
Unassembled Select Grade Hive Body 9 5/8″ |
19.50 each |
WW-505 |
Unassembled Select Grade Hive Body 6 5/8″ |
14.50 each |
WW-300 |
Assembled Telescoping Cover |
25.00 each |
WW-246 |
Assembled Inner Cover |
13.00 each |
10 Frame Screen Bottom Board |
25.00 each |
WW-110 |
Assembled Nuc Box |
17.00 each |
WW-112 |
Nuc Migratory Cover |
10.00 each |
WW-113 |
Nuc Bottom Board |
10.00 each |
WW-355 |
Entrance Reducer |
2.25 each |
WW-900 |
Assembled Frames with Rite-Cell Foundation 9 1/8″ |
3.25 each |
WW-920 |
Assembled Frames with Rite-Cell Foundation 6 1/4″ |
3.25 each |
FR-910 |
Assembled 6 1/4 Wedge Top & Groove Bottom |
2.25 each |
HD-175 |
Metal Support Pins 100 pk |
10.00 each |
WW-130 |
9 Frame Spacers 2 Pack |
3.00 each |
DC-685 |
Beetle Blaster |
2.25 each |
HD-100 |
Queen Catcher |
5.50 each |
HD-388 |
Queen Marking Tube |
6.25 each |
HD-122 |
Wood Bound Queen Excluder |
15.00 each |
Chinese Grafting Tool |
3.00 each |
Brown Cell Fixtures |
.50 each |
Yellow Cell Cup Holders |
.50 each |
Brown Cell Cups |
.10 each |
Hair Roller Cages |
.75 each |
HD-630 |
Standard Frame Grip |
9.50 each |
Ultra Bee Pollen Patties 1lb Patty |
5.00 each |
Organic 100% Pure Lemon Grass Essential oil .25oz |
6.40 each |
HD-584 |
Hive Tool |
5.25 each |
HD-660 |
Bee Brush |
6.50 each |
FD-100 |
Boardman Entrance Feeder |
5.50 each |
HD-540 |
Smoker 4″x 10″ With Guard |
45.00 each |
HD-555 |
Smoker 4″x 7″ With Guard |
42.00 each |
Round Veil with String |
19.00 each |
Ventilated Mesh Helmet (White or Tan ) |
22.00each |
Post Date: February 2, 2015