Members Only
Swarm/Cutout list sign up
The SCBA Swarm and Cutout list is provided as a service for active members in good standing. The list is updated each spring after membership renewal closes.
Mentor List Signup
Serving as a mentor can be rewarding and educational for both the mentor and the student. If you have 2 or more years experience please consider being a mentor. Indicate your willingness to serve each spring, using either the form below or as part of your membership renewal.
Each year the St. Clair Beekeepers Association presents the Beekeeper of the Year and New Beekeeper of the year award. These awards are presented to individuals who have contributed in a substantial and positive way to beekeeping; persons who sets high standards and who is looked upon as a resource of beekeeping knowledge.
Beekeeper of the Year Nomination Form New Beekeeper of the Year Nomination Form
Submit Classified Ad
Member classified ads are provided as a service to active members in good standing with the SCBA. Each posting will be made until December 1st each year and must be resubmitted. Postings are limited to beekeeping and honey bee related products only. All postings are subject to board approval.
Membership in the St Clair Beekeepers Association runs from January through December. Dues are $20.00 annually and are due on January 1st each year. $10.00 of your dues pays for your membership in the Illinois State Beekeepers Association. Please pay your dues promptly to continue to receive the benefits of being a member of SCBA. Members with unpaid dues will be deactivated in February.