Swarm-Cutout Sign up

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER:  All swarm collection or cutout arrangements are strictly between the caller and the beekeeper.  The St. Clair Beekeepers Association is not part of any arrangements between the caller and beekeeper and merely provides the contract information as a courtesy.

Enter your first and last name. Must be a member in good standing to be added to list.
Enter area code and phone number you would like to be contacted at when there is a swarm or cutout. Preferably a cell phone number so they can send you a picture.
Enter the days of the week and what time of the day you are available. like - Saturday and Sunday all day, Monday -Friday after4:30PM - All days after 4:30pm -Weekends only - anytime
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Enter the names of up to 12 cities that you will travel to for a swarm or cutout of bees.
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