2017 Nucs and QueensKLOEPPER APIARIES Ph. (618) 792-1700 Taking orders Jan. 1, 2017 for pickup at Waterloo, Illinois, 5 Fr. Deep Nuc w/ Mated Queen – $140 Kloepper Queens are: Hygienic Italians crossed with Native Illinois stock!Open mated in Illinois!Daughters of Hygienic Italian production queens!Mother Queens are selected from daughters of artificially inseminated queens from several Northern California Apiaries!Two drone saturation yards maintained near queen mating yards!Genetics include:• VSH Italian • Native Illinois • Purdue “Ankle Biters” • Cordovan Italians • Pol-Line Italian Kloepper Apiaries 5320 Lemen Road Waterloo, IL 62298 | |||
SOLID CYPRESS BEE EQUIPMENT The Tradin’ Post is a free service offered by the St. Clair Beekeepers Association and is intended for beekeeping-related items only. To place an ad or if you have questions please email: stclairbees@gmail.com | |||
Author: stclair
Started maintenance of stclairbees.com website on January 2, 2015.